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I have found these organizations and consultants to be valuable resources in my work for my clients, and I am pleased to share their web sites with you:

Maine Association of Nonprofits www.nonprofitmaine.org

MANP is a statewide nonprofit membership organization, representative of and a champion for Maine nonprofits.  Its mission is to strengthen the leadership, voice, and organizational effectiveness of our state’s nonprofits so that they can better enrich the quality of community and personal life in Maine.  I am a Supporter Friend of MANP and I frequently present Skillbuilder grant writing workshops through the organization.

Maine Philanthropy Center www.mainephilanthropy.org
MPC is a nonprofit regional association of grantmakers working together to promote philanthropy and to increase its impact in Maine.  It holds an excellent biennial Philanthropy Partners Conference and offers free online access to its Directory of Maine Grantmakers (available also in print) and Foundation Directory Online at its offices in the University of Southern Maine Glickman Family Library.  I am an MPC Consulting Associate Member.

Maine Land Trust Network www.mltn.org
MLTN, a program of the nonprofit Maine Coast Heritage Trust, strengthens the land conservation community by serving as a central hub of information, bringing conservationists together to facilitate information exchange and collaboration, and providing a broad array of programs, services, and resources that build the capacity and sustainability of land conservation organizations throughout the state.

Maine Municipal Association www.memun.org
MMA is a nonprofit, nonpartisan voluntary membership organization that offers an array of advocacy, education and information, professional legal, and personnel advisory services and group insurance self-funded programs to municipalities and other local government entities in Maine.

Maine Environmental News www.maineenvironews.com
Created in 2000 as a project of the nonprofit Maine Environmental Policy Institute, Maine Environmental News is hosted by Planet Maine Web Hosting and Design. It is the most comprehensive online source available for links to Maine conservation and natural resources news stories and events. It is edited by Jym St. Pierre, who invites readers to contribute relevant news items and announcements.

Land Trust Alliance www.landtrustalliance.org
LTA is a nonprofit organization that exists to save the places people love by strengthening land conservation across America. It promotes voluntary private land conservation to benefit communities and natural systems and is the national convener, strategist and representative of more than 1,700 land trusts across America. I am an LTA Professional Partner.

Association of Fundraising Professionals www.afpnet.org
AFP, an association of professionals throughout the world, advances philanthropy by enabling people and organizations to practice ethical and effective fundraising. The core activities through which AFP fulfills this mission include education, training, mentoring, research, credentialing and advocacy. I am an AFP member.

Association of Fundraising Professionals, Northern New England Chapter www.afp-nne.org
This regional AFP chapter comprises more than 250 members from the states of Maine, Vermont, and New Hampshire. It organizes an annual conference in November, which rotates among the three states, and offers professional development, educational and networking opportunities to its members. I am a member of this chapter.

The Foundation Center www.foundationcenter.org
FC is the leading source of information on philanthropy worldwide. It maintains the most comprehensive database on U.S. (and, increasingly, global) grantmakers and their grants, publishes the online Philanthropy News Digest and many books and reports, offers fundraising training, and operates the Foundation Directory Online subscription service. I subscribe to Foundation Directory Online Plus, and I find it a valuable research resource.

Environmental Grantmakers Association www.ega.org
The EGA is a nonprofit organization with over 200 member foundations from North America and around the world.  Its Web site contains profiles on its members and invites environmental nonprofits to create their own profiles to help funders learn about their work.

Heaton-Jones Media www.heatonjones.com
John Heaton-Jones, a talented multi-media artist, is the architect of this Web site and the designer of my logo and letterhead.

Common Sense Computing, Inc.
Common Sense Computing was founded in 1995 to offer the services of experienced, full-time information systems professionals to clients needing computer services on a part-time basis.  CSC President Sue Westlake keeps the computers in my office and home running; she has solved client computer problems as well.

Bill Bayreuther, CFRE  |   William A. Bayreuther Grant Writing   |  138 South Road  Readfield, ME 04355   |  Phone:  207-242-6029   |  Email:  bill@billbayreuther.com

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